The uniform for St Margaret’s is available from our School Shop which is situated on the school site. If you are joining the school, we will contact you to organise a uniform fitting once the admissions process has been completed.
For new families, uniform fittings are available by appointment – the School Shop is open throughout the year. Fittings for Nursery children take approximately 20 minutes. All other fittings are generally between 40-50 minutes.
Our Uniform Flipbook, where you can find details and prices of all uniform and sports kit, can be viewed here.
If you are a current parent, please order via email to:
Good quality second-hand uniform is available, but not all sizes can be guaranteed.
Opening Hours (term time):
Monday to Friday 8.00am-5.30pm
Saturday 8.00am-1.00pm
Opening Hours (holidays):
By appointment
Mrs Phillipa Hatlapa on 01249 857314 or email
Winter Uniform
Winter uniform should be worn for the Autumn and Spring terms. It may also be worn in the Summer term until the beginning of May.
Summer Uniform
Summer uniform should be worn for the Summer term. It may also be worn in the Autumn term until the first week of October.
Hair & Jewellery
Hair past shoulder length must be tied back with a navy hairband.
One pair of silver or gold stud earrings may be worn. These must be removed for a PE and games lessons. For health and safety reasons, no other jewellery is permitted.
Naming Uniform
Name labels may be ordered from the School Shop. All uniform must be clearly named. Please label clothes in an obvious place - back of the neck, waistband etc.
Unnamed items will be put in lost property and if not claimed, will be donated to second-hand uniform.