School Fees

Fees at St Margaret's are charged termly in advance and paid by direct debit either by the first day of each term or over 10 months (September – June).

Bluebird Nursery Fees

In order to benefit from the activities organised in Bluebird Nursery and to assist with settling in and confidence building, we recommend a minimum of four sessions per week. Afternoon sessions cannot be booked in isolation, so four sessions could be two full days, four mornings, or one day and two mornings. We would expect the number of sessions each week to increase gradually as children move through the nursery.

The morning session includes a snack and a hot, two-course lunch. A snack is also served in the afternoon for those children staying all day. Nappies and wipes are not included; we ask parents to supply these according to personal preference for your child.

Please see the Free Entitlement Funding section below for information on the government scheme to provide 15 free hours of childcare, and the Enrichment Charge section for those children aged 3+. We accept Childcare Vouchers where applicable which can be used to pay fees up to a child's fifth birthday.

From September 2024




Breakfast Club 7:30am - 8:15am

School Opens & Registration 8.15am - 8.25am n/a

Morning Session (4 hours)

8:30am - 12:30pm


Full Day Session (7.5 hours)

8:30am - 4:00pm


After-School Club:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

4:00pm - 4:45pm
4:45pm - 5.15pm
5.15pm - 6.00pm

£5.60 (including hot meal)


Universal Entitlement Funding for 2-5 year-olds

For children aged 2 to 5, we are able to accept government funding for up to 15 hours of free childcare for a maximum of 36 weeks per year. The fees quoted above do not take this funding into account, which is claimed by the school from Wiltshire Council. Funding is allocated by the Council from the term following the child's second birthday until the term in which they have their fifth birthday.

Enrichment Charge for Children aged 3+

Children aged 3+ benefit from specialist tuition in Swimming, Music, French, Games and Computing each week, and also access Forest School. These lessons take place during the morning Nursery sessions. The children also access selected, age-appropriate school events throughout the year such as visiting theatre companies, author visits, charity fund-raisers and sports day. There is a termly Enrichment Charge for these activities, payable for all children aged 3+, regardless of the number of sessions each week. 

When your child is in receipt of the universal entitlement (of up to 15 hours per week) the Enrichment Charge is £612 per term. This charge will take effect from the term following the child's third birthday.

Parents booking additional hours outside the 15 hours free entitlement will be charged at £8.40 per hour and wraparound care will be charged separately. These charges will also be invoiced termly.
Please note, there are no additional charges on top of the Enrichment Charge during the term for sporting activities, snacks and hot lunches.

There is no Enrichment Charge for children aged 2+. The hourly rate is £8.00 which includes all daily activities, snacks and lunch.   

Pre-Prep, Prep & Boarding Fees

Fees per term for the Autumn Term 2024 to Summer Term 2025 inclusive.

All fees include a morning and afternoon snack and a hot, two-course lunch.

Childcare Vouchers can be used to pay fees up to a child's fifth birthday and for after school activities and holiday clubs throughout their time at St Margaret's.



(15 free hours of sunding available up to child's 5th birthday)


Years 1 & 2




Years 3 & 4


Years 5 & 6


Year 6
Overseas Premium

(one off payment on the first term’s bill for students requiring a Visa)




Breakfast Club 7:30am - 8:15am

After-school Club:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

4:00pm - 4:45pm
4:45pm - 5.15pm
5.15pm - 6.00pm

£5.60 (including hot meal)

Admission Fees & Additional Charges




Registration Fee (Day and Boarding)


Acceptance Deposit (Day)

Deducted from the final invoice at the end of Year 6.  Please refer to the 'admissions process' section for full details.


Acceptance Deposit (Boarding)

Payable by the parents of each pupil on acceptance of a place. (£750 is the Acceptance Deposit and £1,250 is refundable when the pupil leaves.)


Additional Deposit (Boarding only)

Payable in addition to the Acceptance Deposit by parents who are resident outside the United Kingdom.

(This amount is one term’s boarding fees, less £1,250 already paid within the Acceptance Deposit).




Music (per instrument)

Instrument hire



Speech & Drama





SEND Assessment 

Price available on request

Learning Support with Specialist Teacher (individual/group)

Charge per 1/2 hour lesson: £310 per child/pro-rata depending on size of group

Speech and Language Initial Assessment Price available on request
Speech and Language Programme £310

Payment by Direct Debit

The following payment options are available to parents:

Termly payment in advance by direct debit - to be paid by the first day of each term 

Monthly payment by direct debit - the termly fee will be divided by the number of months per term:

Autumn term - 4 months;
Spring term - 3 months;
Summer term - 3 months.

No interest charge or discount will be levied. Please note that late payments continue to attract interest charged at the prevailing credit card rate.

Bursaries & Discounts

St Margaret's is delighted to be able to offer means-tested Community Awards for local children. 

Our intention is to extend our education opportunities to the wider community and to those children who show evidence of above-average ability or potential in various areas of school life (academic, sport, creative arts and performing arts), but whose families may have limited financial means.

As children will be required to successfully complete a range of assessments which measure underlying skills in English and Maths, we believe that Community Awards should apply to children either entering, or currently in, Prep (Years 3-6) in the year of the award. Each application will be means-tested and individually assessed based on specific criteria and an award of up to 50% fee remission may be given

We ask that families interested in applying for an award complete an initial financial summary to support their application for an award. Following this, a pupil assessment will take place. All successful applications will then be handled by a third party (BAL) who will determine eligibility and the level of potential funding. 
Depending on family circumstances, children may start at St Margaret's at the beginning of the Autumn, Spring or Summer Term. 

HM Forces Discount

Additionally, we are also delighted to offer means-tested discount of up to 20% for members of the permanent Armed Forces (or Reservists on full-time duties, for the duration of those duties).  Applications may be made once a child is no longer eligible for free entitlement funding from the Government.
Community or HM Forces funding may be applied for at any time of the year and the Bursary may commence with immediate effect or from the term following the confirmation of funding.

Sibling Discount

St Margaret ’s offers a sibling discount scheme for all children once they commence their full-time education in our Reception class; discounts will be applied according to the rate of fees paid. Families with more than one child at St Margaret’s will be entitled to a 5% discount for the second eldest child. The third and subsequent children will be entitled to a fee reduction of 15%. Children are expected to complete their education at St Margaret’s at the end of the Summer Term in Year 6 and in this instance, siblings will retain their existing discounts. However, if a child leaves prior to the end of Year 6, the discount will be re-calculated depending on the number of children attending the school.

This scheme applies only to St Margaret’s and does not include older daughters at St Mary’s.
Staff of either St Margaret’s or St Mary’s, will only be entitled to a single form of additional discount at any one time, and in such cases the greatest fee reduction will apply.

Notice of withdrawal

A term’s notice in writing, or payment of a term’s fees in lieu thereof, is required before a child is removed from the school. Notice must be given formally to the Head of Prep School.

Similarly, a term’s notice is required before Music or Speech & Drama Lessons are discontinued. No reduction can be made for temporary absence through illness or any other cause, but an insurance scheme is available which provides rebate of fees in case of illness or absence due to quarantine. Please note, fees are subject to variation.


All pupils are covered by the Students’ Personal Accident Insurance Scheme, which is provided free of charge by the School.