Virtual Tour & Videos

Thank you for visiting our virtual tour and video page. We hope that these videos provide an insight into our wonderful school and give you a flavour of what St Margaret’s could offer your family. 

If you would like to organise an on-site visit, Luke Bromwich, the Headmaster, is offering 'Walk and Talk' tours to interested families. These take place during the school day and should last approximately 1 hour. If you are unable to visit, our nextl Open Morning is planned for Thursday 17th March 2022 at 9.30am.

If you wish to chat through the admissions process, our Admissions team is available to offer friendly, practical advice and to make an appointment to speak with the Headmaster.

Virtual Tour

School Video

Behind the Scenes | Performing Arts

Day in the Life of a Year 3 Pupil

Behind the Scenes | EYFS

Behind the Scenes | Maths

Early Years' Courtyard (September 2021)


Behind the Scenes | Sport

Reception | My Favourite Things

Voices on the Wind (Gratitude Video)