St Margaret’s was last inspected by the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) in January 2022. This was a Regulatory Compliance Inspection and the school met all the standards in this robust inspection.
Compliance inspection reports do not give any information about the quality of education offered by a school and only record whether schools have met the regulations. There are no qualitative judgements in the report; rather each of the areas are judged as ‘met’ or ‘not met’.
The Inspection assessed the school in eight key areas:
• Quality of education provided
• Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
• Welfare, health and safety of pupils
• Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors
• Premises of and accommodation at schools
• Provision of information
• Manner in which complaints are handled
• Quality of leadership in and management of schools.
During the inspection, lessons were observed, pupils’ books and work samples were viewed and the inspection team spoke with a wide range of staff, pupils and governors. Pre-inspection questionnaires which had been sent to parents, staff and pupils were also analysed in-depth.
The full report can be viewed via the link below.
Our last Education Quality Inspection ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) Inspection took place in May 2017. The Inspection was two-fold, one part focusing on Educational Quality and the second aspect focusing on Regulatory Complicance.
With regard to the Educational Quality aspect, which reports on the quality of the school’s work, St Margaret’s was graded ‘EXCELLENT’ across the board. We were delighted with the way in which the Inspection Team captured the ethos of the school and in particular the essence and the spirit of the children.
In all aspects of compliance, which covers areas such as safeguarding, recruitment, health and safety etc. St Margaret’s policies and procedures were determined to be robust and of the highest quality and consequently all regulatory aspects were met.
"The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent."
ISI Inspection Report
"Their outstanding personal development is underpinned by excellent pastoral care and a high level of commitment by all staff."
ISI Inspection Report
"Pupils’ behaviour both in and out of the classroom in exemplary."
ISI Inspection Report
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Department for Education for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to Independent Schools Council (ISC) Associations and reporting on compliance with independent school regulations. ISI inspections are also carried out under arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of their membership.
The full report can be viewed via the link below.
More information can be found on the ISI website.