First up in this series is Edward Wrench, who this year has been selected to play for Bath Rugby’s u18 team. Edward has kindly shared his reflections on his time here at St Margaret’s – you can read what he had to say here.What are your stand-out memories of St Margaret’s? I joined St Margaret’s when I was 7 and remember really enjoying all the lessons and getting my maths badges in my first week of joining! I had been at a smaller school and was excited by all the activities and after school clubs. Which staff members do you remember and the impact they had? Mr Dury is my best memory - I loved playing sport and he was really encouraging. He gave us lots of training and was always fun to be with. I remember we played a match against a visiting rugby club on a Saturday morning and Mr Dury made sure we could all play and use the school facilities. We played lots of rugby, hockey, cricket and football and I also remember playing rounders for a bit and I was part of swim squad with Mrs White, who worked us hard! Mrs NC was one of my form tutors, and she was very strict and didn’t like my dirty knees in the classroom! What did you enjoy most about your time at St Margaret’s? Playing lots of sports and being with my friends. I enjoyed the judo after school and swim squad. I also enjoyed IT and learnt how to do some coding. What advice would you give our pupils who would like to pursue a passion in sport? Keep enjoying your sport, no matter what level you play. Always ask questions about how to get better. We talk to our pupils about 'Inspiring Excellence' - giving their best shot, learning from their mistakes and not being afraid to take a risk. How does this relate to you and being on the rugby pitch I’ve never been scared to make mistakes and have learnt from these and got better. I always try my hardest to be at my best, to show myself in the best possible ways which includes supporting my team if I’m not playing, due to injury. I’m a committed and honest player, I show up for all training and listen to my coaches!
Mr Bromwich shared Edward’s story with the children in his Monday assembly this week – we hope he inspires some future sporting stars!