On Friday 6th October, we celebrated our annual Harvest Festival at the Chapel at St Mary's.
With the backdrop of a superb Harvest display put together by our Parents' Association, our pupils sang and gave thanks for the bounty of the land around us in a service led by Father Jonathan.
The service started with a procession of pupils delivering food donations to sit by the autumnal display. Pre-Prep pupils then delighted us with an energetic performance of Cauliflowers Fluffy while the Prep Choir and Chamber Choir delivered a number of choral pieces which were both uplifiting and thought-provoking. Pupils in Year 6 spoke about the importance of Harvest Festival and giving thanks with poetry and thoughtful reflections and the service ended with three personal prayers written by Year 2 pupils Harriet, Noah and Sophie.
Our school is nestled in some of Wiltshire's most beautiful and abundant countryside, which is more often than not a hive of farming activity. As a result, we encourage our pupils to understand the importance of celebrating the land, and giving thanks for all that we have at this time of year. Over the course of last week, our parents had also generously donated food and necessary supplies to support families in need in our local community and we were pleased to hand these over to Calne Food Bank, alongside a donation of £420, which we know will support local families in need.