Reception's Calne Scavenger Hunt!

On Monday 17th June, Reception went on a fantastic Calne town centre scavenger hunt.  Along the way they visited the Library, Post Office and Supermarket.  Employees very kindly spent time talking to the children about how things work and invited them to demonstrate their super questionning skills!

The visit to the Post Office helped the children to have a deeper understanding of how Paddington sends his letters and parcels to Peru! They had lots of questions for the lady who organises everyone's parcels.


The children were very excited to explore the Library, learn about Library cards and being able to borrow up to 12 books, for 3 weeks at a time!  News of the forthcoming 'Summer Reading Challenge', with an arts and craft focus was also very appealing.  A game of 'hot and cold' in the supermarket led them to their edible treasure, which was much needed after a walk in the beautiful sunshine!



What a super experience for our Reception pupils!