Cycling Skills for Life for Year 6

Year 6 started the Summer Term term on their bikes, learning key skills and gaining confidence to cycle on the road. Each class took on two days of Bikeability training, learning that while cycling is of course a fun hobby, it is also a key life skill and knowing how to ride safely on today’s roads is an essential life skill!

Riding a bike is a great way to stay active and be healthy, switching to two wheels is also something which can help the planet, and also, well, it's great fun! So we want to ensure our pupils leave us with a sound understanding of how to take to the roads on their bikes safely, and this is where our Bikeability course comes in. 

The children learnt the basic skills to be safe on the road, including:
  • Check.  Perform an “ABCD” safety check of your air, brakes, chain and direction before every ride 
  • Look. Be aware of your surroundings at all times 
  • Move. Take the most suitable riding positions and own your space on the road. Keep out of the gutter and use the middle of your lane at junctions.  
  • Communicate. Riding position, arm signals and eye contact are all useful ways to show your intentions.
  • Ride! Stick to the rules of road, remember who has priority at each stage of your journey and enjoy your ride!

Well done to all of our Year 6s who passed their Bikeability challenges! We hope you continue to enjoy the ride!