St Margaret's offers four minibus routes servicing Marlborough, Pewsey Vale and Devizes, Melksham and Malmesbury, and their surrounding areas.
All services have a driver and a friendly chaperone who accompanies the children. We suggest that children from Reception and above access the service, however, we are happy to discuss individual requirements for younger children in Nursery. Our routes are outlined below. Please note we do try to be as flexible as we can with regards to our routes, and we can pick up/drop off at alternative stops to those named in the visual below.
Buses arrive at school by 8.25am and leave following our after school clubs end, at 4.45pm. Children who are not attending a club can go into our After-School Club, at no additonal cost.
For stops, timings and pricing please click here
For further information, charges and timings, please contact our School Administrator.